Can에 대해 알아보죠.
2022. 2. 16. 03:17
1) The old woman can dive into a river. [능력=is able to]
2) You can go. / Can I speak to you for a moment? [허가=may]
3) You can't run here. [가벼운명령: 금지(must not 보다는가벼움)]
4) You can get a burn if you are not careful. [가능성=may]
5) Can the rumor be true? ( 과연그소문이사실일까?) [강한의심]
6) It can't be true. ( 사실일리가없다.) [현재사실에대한강한부정추측]
She cannot have done such a thing. [과거사실에대한강한부정추측]
(=It is impossible that she did such a thing.: 그런짓을했을리가없다.)
7) Could you lift this bag for me? [공손한부탁]
8) You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends.
※무조건be able to=can 은아닙니다. be able to 는인간의감각을나타내는동사(smell, see, hear, etc.)와인간의심리를나타내는동사들(remember, decide, understand,
etc.)과는잘사용되지않습니다. 물론, can 의미래형은will be able to 입니다.
☆I can smell something burning here. (○)
★I am able to smell something burning here. (×)
☆I can't understand what you are talking about. (○)
★I am not able to understand what you are talking about. (×)
Maxims Introduced by Teacher
The cloud of one single day cannot obscure five
centuries of service. Angle Sodano
If a man doesn't know which harbor to go, no wind
can be favorable.
Seneca ( 로마의스토아학파의철학자, 정치가)
You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful
things happen to you. Mary Tyler Moore
I cannot tell a lie, Pa, you know I cannot tell a lie,
I did cut it with my little hatchet.
George Washington ( 미국초대대통령) as a boy
Maxims Translated by Student
When a man can observe himself suffering and is able,
later to describe what he's gone through, it means he was born
for literature.
Edouard Bourdet (1887-1945) French dramatist
You certainly will not be able, in a single generation, to create
an earthly paradise.
Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) British historian
A poet could not but be gay
/ In such a jocund company.
수선화(daffodil) 들의아름다움을노래하는시인William Wordsworth
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
P. B. Shelley (1792-1822) English poet
“My Maxim” Activity
다음의maxim 들과유사한maxim 들을만들어보세요.
1. Money can't buy happiness.
2. Money can't buy everything.
Money can't buy complete love.
Money can't buy peace.
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